The Wall from Game of Thrones

This is a diorama of the Wall from Game of Thrones. I've not built the Wall to any scale but just as a backdrop for the Castles south of the Wall and a few scenes Beyond the Wall and is not in any way an actual depiction of the books or show. There are several dilapidated castles on the south side of the Wall and I’ve build three, Westwatch, Shadow Towers and the iconic Castle Black. I’ve also built out some of the interiors in Castle Black and a few scenes from the show. On the other side I’ve built the big Wierwood trees and a few scenes like, Stanis’s army approaching Mance Rayder’s Camp, Tyrion Lanister on the top of the Wall and several other scenes. It took over two years to build it.

A common question is 'how many pieces is this'? The truth is, I honestly don't know, but I'd estimate around 200,000.

This model is featured in The Brothers Brick Blog and BrickJournal Issue 86

Here is a link to an interview with Beyond the Brick TV about the model Beyond the Brick TV


An interview with Beyond the Brick TV about this model


Tiger's Nest Monastery